

From checklists to applications and training sessions, our solutions can help risk management professionals
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Business Resources

Consultingat has a growing collection of business frameworks, presentation tools, and other business resources assembled for the Consultingat subscriber community

Internal Audit
IA processes, guidelines and much more
Entity-Level Controls
Impact On An Organization & The Audit Process
Best practice articles, tools, guides and other resources on entity-level controls
IT Audit
investigation and evaluation of IT systems
Tools and Resources for Your IT Audit Toolbox
Review of the IT infrastructure of your business
best practice articles, tools, guides and other resources on cybersecurity
Fraud (Business Toolkit)
Compilation of Fraud frameworks, Fraud templates, Fraud tools, Fraud presentations
COSO Internal Control (Business Toolkit)
COSO Internal Control Toolkit
Embrace your company values
Best practice articles, tools, guides and other resources on ethics and corporate culture
Risk & Compliance
Unrivaled repository of audit programs, checklists, tools, resources and best practices
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Goal of enhancing accounting compliance regulations for public companies
Audit Committee and Board of Directors
Audit Committee and Board of Directors
Best practice articles, tools, guides and other resources on the audit committee and board of directors
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable
Bbest practice articles, tools, guides and other resources on accounts receivable
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Consultingat eResources, published by Consultingat, has provided time-saving tools, valuable publications and timely training to subscribers for over 10 years. Take our quick virtual tour to see all that Consultingat has to offer!


Policies & Procedures




Checklists & Questionnaires


Audit Reports

Consultingat eResources is an unrivaled repository of audit programs, checklists, tools, resources and best practices. Internal audit and risk management professionals will find that this ever-expanding resource quickly pays for itself in the time it saves.

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Future of Business

Our documents are of the same caliber as those produced by top-tier management consulting firms

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